I was reading something about the results in our lives and I read a statement about how the stars had aligned or maybe you just get lucky.
I don’t believe that for a second.
I realized that the things that I have in my life aren’t because of luck or aligning stars.
I have some amazing relationships because I am determined to be a person that I am proud of every single day.
I surround myself with people that strive to do the same.
That’s intentional, not luck.
I am authentic and vulnerable in the business that I am building.
The clients that hire me resonate with that.
They can identify themselves with some part of my story.
That’s hard work, not stars aligning.
I’m not the coach for everyone. I’m not the person for everyone. I’m ok with that.
Vulnerability can be scary. I get that.
I have a pretty big personality. I kind of like it.
I want to challenge people to see themselves differently both in my personal life and in my business life.
Every day I work to create the results that I want in my life.
I can help you do the same. Right now. Before another year goes by.
Work with me and I’ll show you how!