Embrace the imperfect moments!

It’s almost paralyzing.  We either people please or become so incredibly unproductive in an effort to be perfect. Either way, we can’t possibly be our true selves. 

Perfection is so much about how we want the world to view us, not who we really are.

In coaching school, we were taught to strive for B- work.  That was hard at first.  B-?  Was that really good enough?  But then it became a game changer. 

It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you aren’t stuck in being perfect.  It’s also very freeing. 

My clients have seen results in their own lives.  Goals are actually being accomplished.  Things are getting done.  BOOM. 

When you are working on something, ask yourself, “Is this B- work?”  If the answer is yes, hit send. 

Post it.  Publish it.  Share it.  Sell it.  JUST DO IT! 

I just did my first ever podcast (insert scared face).  I finished recording and asked myself if it was B-.  Could it have been better?  Absolutely.  But I had other things to do, no time to waste worrying. 

What could you do if let go of the idea of being perfect? 

I would love to help you get started.  If you’ve been thinking about making a change, there is no better time than now to get started. Shoot me an email and let’s talk about what it would look like to work together.

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