This goofy picture makes me a bit uncomfortable to post.

It’s so hard to feel discomfort; to endure it when we don’t know what is on the other side.  It’s so much easier when we know what is coming. 

A hard hike, but we know the view of the lake is spectacular.  Cleaning the garage, but parking your car in there again is amazing! 

Now, that’s not so bad. 

But doing something hard and not knowing if it will work out?    Not knowing what is on the other side? Now that is where real courage lies. 

I don’t mean physically pushing yourself, I mean emotionally.  I mean feeling something that terrifies us and makes us want to vomit.  Pushing through when you want to give up, when you want to stop and do what is comfortable. Now that is where the payoff is. 

I’m doing it now (yet again), so I don’t just write these words, I live them.  More than I’d like sometimes.  No, seriously. Can’t a girl get a break?

I’ve felt discomfort and pushed through it.  I didn’t want to. AT ALL.

When it felt like it didn’t work out like I thought it should, there were always lessons that I learned.  ALWAYS.  Things I will change on the next uncomfortable thing that I try. 

I keep pushing. 

I keep trying. 

Each time, I find a better version of myself.   

This is possible for all of us.  I’m just a human like everyone else.  If I can learn this skill, so can you.  I can teach you, guide you, and help you when you stumble.  Because you will.  We all do. 

Here’s what I’ve learned and what my clients have learned.  We are going to fall down, but we won’t stay down.  I’ve learned how to stand back up and keep going.  I will teach you the same. 

All the way to where you want to go.

Let’s do this together!