Here’s what I’ve learned about love:
I fall in love easily.
I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.
I have a huge capacity to love.
Deep in my soul I KNOW that’s a good thing.
But when I experience loss, it’s incredibly painful.
And then I wonder if it’s all worth it.
I have to pretend that it’s all for the best until I can really believe it.
I have learned some incredible lessons about myself.
Learning is so HARD.
Each time I learn a little more about who I am.
I have learned to be grateful for those lessons.
And grateful for the people that taught me them.
Why grateful?
Because I’m not ok with bitterness.
Bitterness doesn’t foster growth.
Love can’t grow where bitterness exists.
So yes, it’s worth it.
It’s what I will choose over and over again.

Do you feel like you are stuck in bitterness?
That you are too afraid to try something different?
I can be your lifeline.
I have been there and can show you a different way.
When you are ready, I am the coach for you.