People pleasing. Ugh. Apparently I still need work in this area. I was struggling with speaking my truth versus making someone angry. But by not stepping up, I was just getting frustrated and angry with myself. Not cool. So, I took a deep breath […]
Relationships aren’t about luck. In the almost two years since my divorce, I’ve committed to having deeper connections, better relationships. A better relationship with myself, a loving, honest, and compassionate relationship with my kids, deeper, more authentic friendships, and a healthy, intimate relationship with a […]
It’s so hard to feel discomfort; to endure it when we don’t know what is on the other side. It’s so much easier when we know what is coming. A hard hike, but we know the view of the lake is spectacular. Cleaning the garage, […]
It’s almost paralyzing. We either people please or become so incredibly unproductive in an effort to be perfect. Either way, we can’t possibly be our true selves. Perfection is so much about how we want the world to view us, not who we really are. […]
I was reading something about the results in our lives and I read a statement about how the stars had aligned or maybe you just get lucky. I don’t believe that for a second. I realized that the things that I have in my life […]
The health of your relationship is not the amount of time you spend together, it’s your thoughts about each other.Think about it.Take an ex-spouse or ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. Don’t kid yourself, if you’re still thinking about them, you still have a relationship with them.Maybe you don’t even […]
Ok, here is some tough love. We all have a sad story. We all have stress. So many responsibilities. We get to choose how to tell our story. Do you tell your story with a lot of drama? Do you tell your story and sound […]
Do you have regrets? If so, have you chosen to do life any differently? When I think about my business, I measure my actions by regret. Will I regret not trying to be an entrepreneur? Will I regret not pushing myself to learn things I’m afraid to […]
There are things in life that have a tremendous amount of meaning to us.When we try to deny that, we end up stuffing those emotions.We feel like it shouldn’t be a big deal.We downplay the importance it may have to us. We think we are […]
I’ve got anger.Surprising, right?I talk a lot about healing, vulnerability, growth, and pain.But sometimes anger is a good thing.It lets us know that something might be wrong.It can be fuel to change.It makes me angry when people are told to compromise to make someone else […]