

Relationships aren’t about luck.  In the almost two years since my divorce, I’ve committed to having deeper connections, better relationships.  A better relationship with myself, a loving, honest, and compassionate relationship with my kids, deeper, more authentic friendships, and a healthy, intimate relationship with a […]


The health of your relationship is not the amount of time you spend together, it’s your thoughts about each other.Think about it.Take an ex-spouse or ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. Don’t kid yourself, if you’re still thinking about them, you still have a relationship with them.Maybe you don’t even […]


Do you have regrets?  If so, have you chosen to do life any differently?  When I think about my business, I measure my actions by regret.  Will I regret not trying to be an entrepreneur?  Will I regret not pushing myself to learn things I’m afraid to […]


I’ve got anger.Surprising, right?I talk a lot about healing, vulnerability, growth, and pain.But sometimes anger is a good thing.It lets us know that something might be wrong.It can be fuel to change.It makes me angry when people are told to compromise to make someone else […]